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Whiplash services offered in Columbia, MD

About 66% of people in auto accidents develop whiplash. At MyChiropractor in Columbia, Maryland, Cam Truong, DC, and her compassionate team of chiropractic and rehabilitation specialists understand how severe whiplash pain can be. They use natural techniques like physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments to relieve your pain and help you heal quickly. If you need pain relief and want to return to your regular life, call the office or book an appointment online for chiropractic care today.

Whiplash Q&A

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is a common traumatic neck injury. It occurs when, during an accident, the neck whips sharply forward and backward. 


This movement, called hyperextension, causes the cervical spine to move beyond its normal range. During this temporary displacement, you may experience injuries to the muscles, bones, ligaments, discs, and nerve roots in and around your neck. 


After the hyperextension, your spine may not settle back into its proper position, which puts extra pressure on the already-damaged tissues. 

What causes whiplash?


Whiplash commonly occurs after auto accidents. In fact, two-thirds of people in car accidents have whiplash afterward. You can also experience whiplash in other ways. Anything causing neck hyperextension may lead to whiplash. One example is contact sports. 

What are the symptoms of whiplash?


Some common symptoms of whiplash include: 


  • Neck soreness or pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Shoulder pain
  • Back pain  


Whiplash symptoms can start right after your injury, but it may take as long as a couple of days to realize you’re injured. So, it’s vital to visit MyChiropractor for an exam after an auto accident, even if you aren’t in pain immediately after the accident.

How is whiplash treated?


MyChiropractor uses a non-invasive approach to whiplash treatment, with chiropractic and physical therapy techniques including: 


  • Chiropractic adjustments, including hands-on and instrument-assisted methods
  • Nonsurgical spinal decompression
  • Vibration therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Heat therapy
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Cupping
  • Chiroflow® pillows
  • Foot Levelers® custom orthotics
  • Kinesio® taping method


MyChiropractor treats your muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems simultaneously to give you maximum pain relief and fast healing. 

Why should pain medicine be avoided when I have whiplash?


Pain medicine makes you feel better temporarily but only lasts a few hours. You have to keep taking the drug to feel functional. Your body grows used to the drug, so you usually have to take more and more to achieve the same effects. Because of this, pain medications are often highly habit-forming and could lead you down a dangerous path of addiction.


Plus, pain medicine doesn’t cure the problem. It just covers up the pain. So, you’ll never heal when taking medicine as your only treatment.


Chiropractic and physical therapy help you heal and provide pain relief without drugs. It’s a more effective option when it comes to treating and recovering from whiplash. 


To find out more about whiplash treatment, call MyChiropractor or book an appointment online today.